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How To Stop Procrastinating: A Simple Guide to Mastering Difficult Tasks By Steve Scott

Creating a healthy life can be very hard in many respects. Stop putting off until tomorrow what you can start today to become a more effective, stronger, and healthier you in the future. 

How to Stop Procrastinating is a straight-forward, systematic framework for building an action-oriented habit through all the areas in your life. In this book, you will discover:

8 Specific Reasons Why People Procrastinate.

The 25–5 Rule (and How It Can Help You Laser-Focus on What's Important)

6 Actions for Creating Actionable Goals That Motivate You

How to Say No to People -- Without Looking Like a Jerk

5 Ways to Plan Your Week, So Procrastination is Never an Option

14 Daily Practices to Overcome Those Sudden Feelings of Procrastination

Whether you're someone who lets the occasional task slip through the cracks or you always do things at the last minute, you'll discover an abundance of information to overcome your procrastination tendencies.

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The Obesity Code by Jason Fung

Weight gain and obesity are driven by hormones - in everyone - and only by understanding the effects of insulin and insulin resistance can we achieve lasting weight loss.

In this highly readable and provocative book, Dr. Jason Fung sets out an original, robust theory of obesity that provides startling insights into proper nutrition. In addition to his five basic steps - a set of lifelong habits that will improve your health and control your insulin levels - Dr. Fung explains how to use intermittent fasting to break the cycle of insulin resistance and reach a healthy weight - for good.

"Don't argue with me...this works. THIS. This is just simply amazing. It might not be for EVERY SINGLE PERSON OUT THERE but it works for a lot of people and I have seen it with my own 2 eyes." — Nicole Barnum, Amazon reviewer.

22,175 ratings 4.6 out of 5 stars

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The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners by Elena Paravantes

The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners is packed with tried and trusted information that you will actually use. 

Featuring a perfect balance of vegetables, grains, fruit, generous portions of olive oil, and occasional servings of meat and fish, the authentic Mediterranean diet is not only healthy, it's delicious!

*  100 simple, tried-and-tested, healthy and delicious recipes, made with fresh, wholesome ingredients, and each with detailed nutrition information  

*  An easy-to-follow 14-day meal plan to get you started, with comprehensive shopping and food lists, and tips for creating your own menus  

*  Detailed guidance on how to shop for the right ingredients, how to cook the Mediterranean way, and how to stick with the diet for life  

Heads Up: If you suffer from gluten or dairy intolerance, this book is not for you!

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The Wiggle Factor: Intermittent Fasting and Dieting Made Easy

Good guide to eliminating myths and learning why fasting works for many people.

We know that our bodies run on food as fuel. What we don’t realize, however, is that not all food is created equal. Cars run on diesel and gas, but they aren’t exactly interchangeable either. If you keep exercising and eating healthy, yet you see no results - maybe you should try something else: intermittent fasting.

We associate the word “fast” with something we do for medical or religious reasons. But it’s way simpler - it’s just a period of not eating (think of the first meal of the day: break-fast). And guess what? A good night’s sleep can already be your fasting window. 

But you may say, “I’ve tried so many diets, restricted my calories, exercised, and nothing! Why would this one be any different?”

See, your body has very specific responses when it comes to calorie restrictions, and for some reason, those responses are kept secret from us. Thankfully, with Cody’s Wiggle Factor you can be privy to the knowledge of why fasting is superior to other fad diets.

"This is a great book to learn more about Intermittent Fasting (IF) for beginners. Personally, I'm very skeptical about IF since I know it's a popular diet or fasting that I see everyone is doing . Regardless I decided to keep an open mind when reading the book. I'm sure glad I did! I didn't realize I had alot of myths about IF that was not true.The book does a great job debunking the popular health myths and explaining how our body truly loses weights (and doing it the right way). The author also shows different ideas in which you can apply IF to fit your lifestyle or schedule." ~ Petrose E., Amazon Reviewer

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Intermittent Fasting for Woman Over Fifty by Michelle Wilcher

A solid fasting guide for beginners.

Intermittent fasting is one of the best tools for rapid and permanent fat loss for people who know what they are doing. Nothing works if it doesn’t work long term, right? Well, Intermittent fasting works exactly the same. You must act wisely because otherwise, your efforts can be ineffective and potentially harmful and dangerous. On the other hand…Intermittent fasting is one of the most powerful fat-burning tools out there! This book discusses how to use it effectively and safely.

"This book covers the topic of intermittent fasting very well. It outlines some different options you can try depending on your lifestyle and goals and walks you through the process for each. These options are the different time intervals you can have a fasting window and an eat window (example: 16/8, fast for 16 hours, eat for 8). It also gives you little tips and tricks along the way (example: if you get hungry during a fast, try tea with cinnamon).

Easy to read, very informative. Worth the time if you're looking to start intermittent fasting or just wanting to know more about the topic." ~ E. Sander, Amazon reviewer


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Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building The Ultimate Female Body

#1 International Bestseller

For those wanting a more scientific foundation of diet and exercise and to build tone and muscle, Michael Matthews gives very straightforward information on balancing protein, carb, and fat for different goals and makes a convincing argument for short bursts of weight resistance training.  

·  The 10 biggest fat loss and muscle building myths and mistakes that keep gals overweight, weak, and confused.

· The 3 scientific laws of muscle growth and fat loss that literally force your body to get fitter, leaner, and stronger. (And no, they have nothing to do with “muscle confusion,” “functional training,” or any other pseudoscientific nonsense.)

·  How to create flexible meal plans that empower you to transform your body eating the foods you love—without ever feeling starved, deprived, or like you're "on a diet."

·  Training that requires only 3 to 6 hours of exercise per week.

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Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body

#1 International Bestseller

For those wanting a more scientific foundation of diet and exercise and to build tone and muscle, Michael Matthews gives very straightforward information on balancing protein, carb, and fat for different goals and makes a convincing argument for short bursts of weight resistance training. 

You don't need to: 

 ·  Spend hundreds of dollars per month on the worthless supplements that steroid-fueled bodybuilders "swear by."

 ·  Constantly change up your workout routine to gain lean muscle in all the right places.

 ·  Waste a couple of hours in the gym every day grinding through grueling workouts you hate.

 ·  Slog away at boring cardio to shed ugly belly fat and get a six-pack.

 · be obsessed about "clean eating" or stick to a restrictive diet

In this book you’ll learn something most guys will never know: The exact methods of eating and exercising that make gaining 10 to 15 pounds of lean muscle a breeze . . . and it only takes a few months.

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