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Want Healthy Hair? Don't Wash It! And Tips For When You Do

It's a mystery. Your stylist says not to wash your hair everyday. Hair experts, called Trichologists say you may need to in order to keep your scalp healthy, and your hair growing. The truth is that everybody's needs are different. How do you discover what's best for your hair? Read on!

Your Scalp

“You should wash your hair whenever your scalp feels greasy, dirty or smelly, regardless of your hair type,” according to Trichologist Guy Parsons. Not washing your hair often enough can cause dandruff and scalp acne. Clogged hair follicles can inhibit quality hair growth. ‘If you go long periods of time without washing there will be a build up of natural oils, bacteria, and dead skin cells and these cause greasy hair. But, if you wash your hair every day you may possibly over-stimulate the oil glands situated beneath your scalp and may eventually experience oily hair.'

Also, some shampoos strip the natural oil from your hair and dry your scalp, which causes itchiness and flaking and your scalp to overcompensate by producing more oil to soothe the irritation, producing greasy hair. 

But your scalp does benefit from a good massage every few days to stimulate the circulation and loosen accumulations of dirt and dead skin cells from everyday life. Even if you don't shampoo, if you wet your hair, use conditioner to fill the cuticles and keep your scalp moisturized. 

The commonsense approach is to use mild shampoos and wash your hair if you've sweated or been in dirty environmental conditions, or the roots have accumulated product like gels or mousses and become heavy or itchy.

Thick Hair

Thick hair often dries out over several days, so may need washing only every few days. When you do wash it, be sure to rinse thoroughly. Un-rinsed shampoo can dry and flake like dandruff and cause the scalp to itch as well. Using a weekly hair mask made from botanicals can truly benefit both scalp and dry ends for people with thick hair.   

Fine Hair

Fine hair needs more experimentation. Grease and environmental grime weigh it down faster than thick hair. On the other hand, washing it everyday can make it too dry and flyaway. Use a very mild shampoo and try skipping every other day. The second day is often better for shaping the hair because there's just enough oil in the locks. Fine hair requires very clean combs and brushes so you don't simply transfer oils back onto your hair. 

Afro Hair

Afro Hair is fine and delicate. If your scalp is healthy and afro hair is worn in a protective style, like cornrows or weaves, you can go as long as three months between washings. After washing, hair should be combed through and treated with a leave in conditioner before styling. But it does need care everyday or other day in the form of spray on conditioners or oils to keep it moisturized.

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