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Ten Foods That Help Burn Fat Naturally

These ten foods can help play a role in a healthy diet that helps weight loss. But they all also have other benefits, such as promoting a healthy gut biome and good cholesterol levels. Let's get started, in no particular order, and see how many you are already eating...

In this article, we look at ten of the best foods that may help you burn fat.

Ten Foods That Help Burn Fat Naturally


1)   Yogurt contains a multitude of gut-friendly bacteria. Researchers have discovered that a healthy gut biome improves digestion, which improves overall health. Yogurt also contains a helping of protein, which helps burn fat and regulate appetite. Be sure to choose yogurt low in sugar to get the most benefit from eating it.


2)   Grapefruit not only contains vitamin C, it also boasts chemical properties that reduce insulin levels and encourage weight loss. Insulin is a hormone that controls sugar levels in the bloodstream. While weight management is not it’s primary function, insulin assists with the regulation of fat metabolism.

Brown Rice

3)   Brown Rice is a great fiber loaded with B vitamins. Getting fiber in your diet daily helps your gut digestion and keeps you feeling full. Brown rice does not increase your blood sugar levels the same way processed white rice does. In addition, brown rice contains a lot of macronutrients that help carry proteins into the body, which, you got it, helps burn fat.


4)   Nuts are a low calorie, high protein snack with lots of fiber, which helps burn fat. They improve gut digestion and provide essential trace-nutrients. Nuts satisfy between meals hunger, lowering your chances of reaching for a sugary pick-me-up.

Cayenne Pepper

5)    Cayenne Pepper works best for those who aren’t used to eating spicy foods. It can be sprinkled onto a meal or taken in tasteless capsule form. The pepper naturally contains capsaicin, which has been proven to curb appetite and speed up the metabolism, helping burn calories.


6)    Coffee containing caffeine helps speed metabolism. It also promotes the breakdown of fats due to a rise in the body’s adrenaline level. Decaffeinated coffee does not produce the same results

Coconut Oil 

7)    Coconut Oil contains natural MCTs, medium-chain triglycerides, that are rapidly metabolized by the liver into energy and ketones, bypassing the mechanism by which the body usually accumulates fat. Despite anecdotal evidence for increased fat loss, the science is still out on coconut oil’s use for fat burning. It does help increase healthy cholesterol when used sparingly.

Green Tea

8)    Green Tea contains caffeine like coffee, which stimulates the metabolism. But it also contains a group of antioxidants called catechins, which also stimulate fat burning both at rest and especially during exercise. Green tea extracts promote fat burning at a higher rate than drinking 2-3 cups of green tea.


9)    Salmon is a high protein and low calorie super food. A serving of three-four ounces contains only 200 calories but 25 grams of protein. It is also rich in Omega-3s, which studies have proven promote weight loss and the burning of belly fat.

Soy Beans

10) Soy Beans are fiber rich and also loaded with healthy fatty acids in the form of complete proteins, both of which are good for the gut and help burn calories while suppressing appetite. Eaten in moderation, studies have shown that the phyto-estrogen isoflavones in soy are safe for everyone except, perhaps, those women who have had estrogen positive breast cancer.


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